Sound Bath for Inner Peace & Healing

Inner Path Yoga 200 Commercial St, Nevada City, CA, United States

Find inner peace and healing through guided energy practices, acupressure, and sound healing. Take a journey through sounds with Native American flutes, gong, singing bowls, drums, and more. Cultivate your innate abilities to direct energy inward for rejuvenation and healing. Yoga matts, cushions, and blankets will be provided.


Awakening the Heart Fire Sound Bath

Inner Path Yoga 200 Commercial St, Nevada City, CA, United States

Come join us for a magical afternoon of sound healing at Inner Path, Nevada City. Expand your heart and cultivate love for yourself and others through guided meditation and sound healing focused on expanding and enlivening the heart's natural auric field. Immerse yourself in the soothing vibrations of crystal singing bowls, Native American flutes, and […]
